3, 2, 1, ZERO Waste!!! A company and a city in California, the perfect match to save the planet by making waste more valuable than ever. Solena Group and Lancaster City are embarking on the production of greener-than-green hydrogen and will transform Lancaster City into the alternative energy capital of the world. The Lancaster plant will be ready to produce 11,000 kg per day. Working 24/7, 8,000 hours a year, the facility will be able to supply 3.8 million kg, the equivalent of 3,800 tons of green hydrogen per year. This project will allow the Lancaster facility to become three times larger than any other green hydrogen supplier already in existence and with the advantage of using a method that will allow having clean hydrogen without going through methods that will increase the final price. The primary material, which is waste, will be provided by the City of Lancaster. This project will allow the company to produce clean hydrogen from 40,000 tons of waste per year and will s
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